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Automatic Time-stamping (old)

The FTW Transcriber’s powerful auto-time-stamping feature is a revolutionary time-saving development for transcribers.

It can take a little time to get used to it – please persist!

Two types of automatic time-stamping are offered – you can turn on just one or you can use both at the same time.

METHOD 1 – at the start of every paragraph. If you turn this option on, every time you press Enter twice and begin a new paragraph, a time stamp is inserted into the transcript on a line of its own, and the cursor is placed on the next line. This means you can transcribe as you normally would, forgetting about time stamps completely, and they will be added automatically.

If you check the “subtract five seconds” box, every time a time stamp is inserted five seconds are subtracted from it, for greater accuracy. This is because when transcribing, the audio is normally a few seconds ahead of the transcript, because you have to listen to the audio before you can transcribe it.

METHOD 2 – every ___ seconds. If you turn this option on, every ___ seconds a time stamp is inserted into the transcript. To prevent time stamps appearing in the middle of a word, the time stamp is only inserted after the next time you press the space bar.

If you check the “add five seconds” option for METHOD 2, the time stamp is added five seconds later then normal; e.g. 00:0030 is actually added at 00:00:35.

Transcribing a file involves rewinding and forwarding repeatedly, but even if you play past a time stamp point repeatedly, each time code will be added only once. For example, if you set time stamps to appear every 30 seconds and you have to play past 00:00:30 multiple times, the time stamp will be added only the first time, because the FTW Transcriber “remembers” that time stamp was added (until you close the audio file).

The FTW Transcriber